Gilytė, Patricija

Posted in: Artists




 Lithuania / Germany

 4 MILION_PORT. 2011. Foam, video. Installation

Behind most of my performative works there are videoperformances created outdoors without the presence of an audience. I prefer the endless space of nature: fields, seashore or a sandy desert- surroundings where the human body loses its own dimensions and extends. Natural influences such as wind, light and shade, mould and form my work, as well.

Working with the foam, I use body-oriented large-scale mats: even as the empty surfaces they imply the absence of the human body. Generally, I associate the foam surface with the skin and I also understand the landscape as the skin of the earth. Depending on the context and on the way it is placed spatially, foam also implies different social factors like poverty or comfort and can create the autonomous context in conjunction with the title, which means a parallel literary supplement and a program in my work.

Foam fabric absorbs our dreams, the revival and the troublesome sleep. The body sinks in it and emerges like returning from the foamy waves. While using the form for the video performances outdoors this material became simply the layer, a sheet covering, hiding, protecting, and also isolating from the surroundings. Its genuine secret becomes explicit just after entering the space of video, making possible for itself (including myself) to overcome the rules of deterioration, with the aid of technical equipment looping the same sequences at the several exhibition spaces in the different places of the world. This interlacing of sculpture and video which allows the initial gesture to be compressed into a volume like a DVD disc and similarly into the lamp of Aladdin to evolve again in the form of video-projection, fascinates me through its analogy to the thought and its ability to cross the space and time.

Patricija Gilytė participated also in the biennials’ intedisciplinary project PLAY



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